Welcome to St. Luke’s in Historic Weiser, Idaho
Service: Sunday at 10am
Holy Eucharist – 2nd and 4th Sunday
Morning Prayer – 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sunday
106 E. Liberty St. Weiser, Idaho 83672

Our Ministries
Soup Kitchen Ministry
This is a yearly ministry that starts the Second week of January and runs through mid-March and is concluded with our Annual Clam Chowder and Pie Sale. Soup Lunch is Every Thursday, open to the public and is free of charge. We provide a hot meal, and fellowship to whoever may walk in the door. Those in the “know” come in the back door through the kitchen to “see what’s cooking”
Basic Ministry Update
This page needs to be edited and updated. Please be patient as we update these sections.
Basic Ministry Update
This page needs to be edited and updated. Please be patient as we update these sections.

Welcome To The St. Luke’s Community
Welcome to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church….. Being updated…..
Fr. Blake Coats

Our Values
Love the Lord with all your heart…..
Love the Lord with all your heart…..
See what is going on this month…
News from The Episcopal Church
Call To Action
Caring for the poor, the needy and uplifting all who are searching for the loving, forgiving and welcoming love of God.